menu page

* Disk U1 - Utilities Disk 1 *
* To the best of our knowledge *
* these programs are public *
* domain. The programs may be *
* copied but not sold or *
* published for profit. Should *
* this not be the case, please *
* contact us at ICPUG. *

Initially you should load the 'START' program on this disk which will load the title screen from which you can load the 'MENU'. If you find that you cannot load the program from the menu then just load normally, as some programs may want to load into the same part of memory already taken up by the menu.

4MIN COPY INSTR - Instructions for 4--- minute copy.

4-MINUTE COPY - Fast disk copier, only needs a single 1541.

ADDRESSES DIR - Shows you the start and end address of any program on disk, very useful for ML programs, or for disk editing.

AUTOMON - Loader for disk/64 monitor.

MON-4 - Automon loaded at $4000.

MON-8 - Automon loaded at $8000.

MON-C - Automon loaded at $C000.

INSTRUCTIONS - Instructions for disk/64 monitor.

MON.SRC - Source code for Automon.

CHANGE DEV NO - Software change of disk devise number.

CHANGE DISK - Software change of disk devise number.

COPY-ALL.64 - Copy files between two disk drives.

DA V3.4.WOW - Disk directory assistant program, sorts directory etc.

INSTRUCT - Instructions for above.

DISK COPY 64 - General 'Copy All' pro- gram for 64's.

DISK FILE 4.9 - A disk filing system, keep track of your program library.

L-SORT - File called by above.

DIR @ 828 - File called by above.

RTL-64 - File called by above.

DOCS 4.9 - Instructions for above.

DISK FORMAT - Check what type of drive was used to create disk.

DISK MANAGER - General disk housekeeping, very good.

DISK MONITOR 4.0 - Disk Monitor!

4.0 ASM/MONITOR - Machine code for DISK MONITOR.

DISK RENAME - Renames disk with new title.

DISK TIDY - Sort directory into order.

DISK-LOG.64 - Report file details ie. type, size, start & end address, relative record size.

DOS LOADER - Loads 'Disk Operating System'.

DOS 5.1 - Disk Operating System, loaded in by above program.

DISK CMDS TUT - Tutorial of the 'wedge' commands (DOS) & BASIC 4.

FALIGN CHECK - Checks alignment of 1541 disk drive.

LOAD ADDRESS - Finds the start address of programs on disk.

QUICK DISC - Fast disk program loader.

READ ANY SEQ.FIL - Allows Sequential files to be listed to the screen.

REL FILE PRG - Read, write relative files.

SORT DIRECTORY - Sorts and replaces directory in alphabetical order.

UNICOPY INST - Instructions for Unicopy program.

UNICOPY64 - Copy program uses a single disk drive (and tape).

UNSCRATCH - Unscratches a scratched disk file.

SCRATCH - Scratches a disk file.


* Disk U2 - Utilities Disk 2 *
* To the best of our knowledge *
* these programs are public *
* domain. The programs may be *
* copied but not sold or *
* published for profit. Should *
* this not be the case, please *
* contact us at ICPUG. *

Initially you should load the 'START' program on this disk which will load the title screen from which you can load the 'MENU'. If you find that you cannot load the program from the menu then just load normally, as some programs may want to load into the same part of memory already taken up by the menu.

! - Eddy Carroll's 'Boot' program for Turbo Disk System 'VDOS' which is also used for most of the ICPUG C64 library disks apart from the Utility disks (see !.INSTRUCTIONS below).

! (SYS350) - Alternative form of VDOS.

!.INSTRUCTIONS - Instructions for 'VDOS' in program form.

MENU MAKER - Program to create disk men-u's for 'VDOS'.

JACKET MAKER - A simple program to cre- ate labels, envelopes for disks.

MICROMON LOADER - Automatically boots 'MICROMON' into computers memory.

MICROMON - Machine code monitor (see ICPUG newsletter Vol7 No2 p126).

REDIRECT - Redirects output from the screen to the printer, disk..

REDIRECT.DOC - Information file for 'REDIRECT'.

RENUMBER - Completely renumbers basic programs, including all GOTO's, GOSUB's etc.

RENUMBER.DOC - Information file for 'RENUMBER'.

RESTORECLEAN - Allows you to stop the execution of a program without affecting screen colours or resident wedge com- mands.


SHIFTHOLD - Allows you to temporarily stop the output to your screen to enable you to read it, ie. similar to NO SCROLL on C128.

SHIFTHOLD.DOC - Information file for 'SHIFTHOLD'.

SUPERKEY 64 - Assign basic keywords to your keys.

SUPERKEY DOC. - Information file for 'SUPERKEY 64'.

SUPERMON 64 - Jim Butterfield's machine code monitor adapted for C64.

SUPERMON INS - Instructions for 'SUPER- MON 64'.

SUPERMON+ INST - Instructions for enhanced Supermon.

SUPERMON+64 - Supermon for C64 with C128style commands and less stringent syntaxfor input.

SUPER64E3.RUN - Loader for 'SUPERMON E3'(Liz Deal).

SUPER64EX.INS - Instructions for 'SUPER-MON E3'.

TAPE DIRECTORY - Creates directories of programs stored on cassette, directs output to screen or printer.

TAPE DIREC.DOC - Information file for 'TAPE DIRECTORY'.

TLOAD - Can create basic programs from programs stored as SEQ files.

TLOAD.DOC - Information file for'TLOAD'.
TOOLKIT+S-MON - Basic toolkit system, includes Wedge-64 & Supermon.

TURBO TOOLKIT - Version in which Turbo DOS replaces Supermon.

BASIC TOOLKIT.I & BASIC TOOLS/2 - 'Super script' text of instructions for the toolkit. Can be linked together as a single file in 'Easyscript' but will need a few modifications.

BASIC TOOLS.QRS - 'Superscript' text file of Quick Reference Sheet.

VE2 - A video editor to create documentsto view on screen.

VE2.DOC - Information file for VE2.

WEDGE 5.6 - Updated version of DOS.

ZAP-LOADER - Fast file loader.


* Disk U3 - Utilities Disk 3 *
* To the best of our knowledge *
* these programs are public *
* domain. The programs may be *
* copied but not sold or *
* published for profit. Should *
* this not be the case, please *
* contact us at ICPUG. *

Initially you should load the 'START' program on this disk which will load the title screen from which you can load the 'MENU'. If you find that you cannot load the program from the menu then just load normally, as some programs may want to load into the same part of memory already taken up by the menu.

AS 2 - Assembler for the C64.

AS 2.DOC - Information file for 'AS 2'.

AUTOLINE - Automatic line numbering for use when writing basic programs.

AUTOLINE.DOC - Information file for 'AUTOLINE'.

BASIC XREF PROG - Creates a cross-reference table on the line numbers used in'GOTO' & 'GOSUB' statements in a basic program.

BASIC XREF.DOC - Information file for 'BASIC XREF PROG'.

COLOR COEXIST - Compare colour readability & adjust tv/monitor.

COP-TO-CPM - Copy files from CBM to CPM disk with single drive.

COP-TO-CPM.DOC - Information file for 'COM-TO-CPM'.

CROSS-REF64 - Create cross reference of variables in a program.

DISASSEMBLER - Can disassemble a ML program in memory or in a program file, andput the output to screen, printer or disk file.


DISK BACK-UP - Single disk drive copy program.

DISK PATCH - Examine and modify bytes on a disk.

DISK PATCH.DOC - Information file for 'DISK PATCH'.

DISKDOC REVISED - Disk utility editor.

DISKDOC.DOC - Information file for 'DISKDOC'.

DISKVIEW+ - Read disk BAM, find out track & sector number for a file on disketc.

DISKVIEW+.DOC - Information file for 'DISKVIEW+'.

FILESORT64 - Sort multiple field files.

LIST ALL.WOW - List any CBM basic program.

LISTER.V64 - Earlier version of 'LIST ALL'.

LIST ALL - List any CBM basic program.

LISTER.WOW - Earlier version of 'LIST ALL'.

MERGER - Merge program files on disk.

READ DIRECTORY - Read directory from within a program.

RETRIEVER 64 - Enables you to recover scratched files on disk.

SAVE FROM PRG - Subroutine to save memory to disk or tape.

SEQ.FILE RDR - Read SEQ files.

SMOOTH.BOOT - Boot program for Smooth Scrolling Editor.

SMOOTH.DOCS - Documentation file for Smooth Editor.

SMOOTH.EDIT - Other file called by Smooth Editor.

SMOOTH.TIME - Scrolling Editor.

ULTRALOAD - Fast tape system.


* Disk U4 - Utilities Disk 4 *
* To the best of our knowledge *
* these programs are public *
* domain. The programs may be *
* copied but not sold or *
* published for profit. Should *
* this not be the case, please *
* contact us at ICPUG. *

Initially you should load the 'START' program on this disk which will load thetitle screen from which you can load the'MENU'. If you find that you cannot loadthe program from the menu then just loadnormally, as some programs may want to load into the same part of memory already taken up by the menu.

10 SEC FORMAT - Formats a disk in under 10 seconds.

6502 DISASSEMBLE - Will translate the contents of memory into standard 6510 mnemonics.

BACKUP-64 - Will back-up disks using a single disk drive.

BASE - Will convert a number in any baseyou enter into a second numerical base.

BOOTMAKER - Creates a 'booter' program on disk which when loaded will boot and run another program.

DEBUMP TEXT - Information for 'ICPUG DEBUMP'.

ICPUG DEBUMP - Run this routine before loading bump protected software ie. Su- perscript etc.

C-64 CALCULATOR - Turns your C64 into a full function calculator.

COMMA 8.DOC - Information file for 'COMMA 8'.

COMMA 8 - Changes the name of each program on a disk to add ',8:' onto the endof the name.

CUSTOM MENU - Create your own customised menu's.

DIR ASST - Displays information on any disk you choose, although disk must be in G.C.R. format.

DISK CHECK - Jim Butterfield's disk checker program - reports disk errors and bad spots etc.

DISK DOCTOR.C - Disk utility editor.

DISK WIZARD 3.0 - Quite good disk house-keeping program.

EPSON SETUP - Enables you to set up an epson/epson clone printer for use with your C64 and most commodore software.

ERROR DETECTOR - Detects errors on your disks.

ERROR TO 42 - Tests tracks and sectors on your disks for errors.


FILE PROTECT - Enables you to protect/unprotect your programs on disk from being erased. Can also erase unwanted programs.

HEX-DEC-BIN.C - Converts numbers to and from hexadecimal, decimal or binary.

HOUSEKEEPER - General disk house-keeping program.

KERMIT TEXT - Information for 'KERMIT RS232'.

KERMIT RS232 - File transfer prg.

LIST SCAN TEXT - Information for 'LIST SCAN'.

LIST SCAN - Produces a horizontal bar on the current cursor line, which highlights text.

LOCK UNLOCK.C - Lock/unlock your programs with this utility.

MENUMAKER - Create neater disk directories, ie. add ',8,1', add comments next to programs etc.

MPS801 FONT TEXT. - Information for 'MPS801 FONT'.

MPS801 FONT - Creates customised characters for your MPS801 printer.

PTYPE - Enables you to print seq files to either screen or printer.

RELFILE COPY.C - Enables you to copy relative files.

REM HIGHLIGHTER - Highlights all rem's in your basic programs enabling you to compact programs.

STEVE DISKEDIT - Yet another disk utility editor, however it has a good help screen.

SUPER COPY - Enables you to copy disks with either one or two disk drives. Can also format disks and scratch files.


SUPER DUMP PRG - Will dump a large copy of a hi-res screen to your dot-matrix printer.

YELLOW PAGES - Directory-organiser.


Disk name: utilities u5

This program will load and autorun the programs on this and your own discs. Read Autodoc for method.

Use this to print out the bootdata file to your printer.

The SUPER AIDE discs are Freeware from the U.S.A. The program is like SYSRES but this has a screen editor. Some DOC files are available inside the program.

Disk name: utilities u6

No autoboot available on this disc.
Contains source code for disc u5.

Disk name: utilities u7

Use this program to autoboot this and your own discs. Read autodoc for method.

Will print the bootdata file on your printer.

change name/id
A handy program to change the disc name and I.D.

directory 64
Helpful program to organize your disc directory.

*disk doc.64.v4
disc doctor.doc
Updated version of Disc Doctor with lots of documentation.

disk doc.deluxe
Deluxe version of Disc Doctor on this disc.

disk unassembler
As the name of disc unassembler tells you a useful unassembler.

*disc-wizard ii
Another program in the Disc Doctor form an update to D-W 1.

fast format
A fast format program, for discs.

non-com screen d
Should help those with non Commodore printers, as the program name is NON- COMMODORE SCREEN DUMP.

seq reader 3.1
Update seq file reader.

serial formatter
The ideal program for those who like discs formatted in seq order.

Another disc version of an unscratch program.

yel pages.64.v21
Another update of the Yellow Pages - version 21 ?

Disk name: utilities u8

Use this program to autoboot this and your own discs. Read autodoc for method.

This program will print the bootdata file to your printer.

edterm demo
Terminal Demonstration program from the master programmer from Ireland, Edward Carroll.

edterm demo info
Information on Edterm Demo.

fast rs232.pal
Terminal emulation routine from Edward Carroll.

file viewer
Yes another program from Edward Carroll a file viewing routine.

Electronic Timer from ICPUG member Frank E Murray. Will produce a large clock and small elapsed time clock on screen or vice versa.

From Edward Carroll, a very usefull utility to output disc files to paper, that you can format to 1 - 3 columns.

Disk name: icpug utilities u9

Use this program to autoboot this disc and your own discs. Read autodoc for method.

This program will print the bootdata files to your printer.

boot ass v.1.13
Assembler from Paul Bell a Welsh member dedicated to ICPUG for members use. Thank you for your work. Will load from here.

icass user guide
Assembler users guide, well written for easy use.

command change
Program to change commands within the Turbo Toolkit. Not a stand alone prog.

Disc Directory sort and printout program loads PRINTDIR.C file.

disk endless dir
Endless directory, instructions in prog listing.

disk marker
Disc marker, instructions in prog listing.

disk new file
Changes the file loading, instructions in the prog listing.

disk remove dir
Will remove directory (but it's still there) instructions in prog listing.

disk zero blocks
Will change the BAM so that there are no blocks free.

Allows Freeze Frame files to load on 1570 disc drive.

Disc catalogue system by a member of CUGI. On screen instructions. Will call other files as required.

Disc directory sorting program, very impressive. On screen instructions.

Disk name: icpug utilities u10

Use this program to autoboot this and your own discs. Read autodoc for method.

Will print the bootdata file on your printer.

Usefull barchart program from Andy Hetherington an Irish member. To print colour barcharts to printer.

day of week
You input Date/Month/Year and program will tell you what day of the week it is

errorline lister
Will show you the error lines in your programs.

function keys
Preprogramed function keys.

Will print out blank keyboard overlays for the C64.

Will print out blank keyboard overlays for the C128.

mini menu
Ideal menu maker for discs with very little space, uses only 2 blocks. From Andy Hetherington.

ps conv 1.9
Conversion program from Print Shop to Doodle or Doodle to Print Shop.

Screen printing utility.

As it sounds Petscii to Ascii converter.

Screen Magic to Doodle converter, or Doodle to Screen Magic.

uwedge 5.6t
A very good Disc Wedge program.

Terminal program from TPUG.

Will make autobooting programs.

block modifier.c
Disc block modification program.

copy some.c
Copy prog.

copy file.c
Copy prog.

copy files.c
Copy prog.

copy-all v2.c
Copy prog.

disk change dos
Disc Dos changer.

disk dir utility
Disc utility prog.

disk editor
Disc Editor prog.

disk examine
Examin and modify your discs.

fast backup.c
Copy prog.

file copy.c
Copy prog.

Usefull multi copy program, many copies from 1 pass.

sin disk copy.c
Copy prog.

sd copy/all.c
Copy prog.

Copy prog.

Disk name: icpug utilities u11

Use this program to autoboot this and your own discs. Read autodoc for method.

Will output the bootdata file to your printer.

baseprint v1
A very good database storage program by James Mason(64 Library Copier)will store/save/replace & print files.

Another program from James Mason to help keep your telephone numbers in order and to print the results.

bioprinter 6.0
Usefull BioPrint program will output to screen or printer.

c64 autostart
An autostart program.

coupon organizer
Program to help organize your coupons (credit cards) and print results.

coupon doc
Notes on Coupon Organizer.

*disk doctor v4.0
disk doctor.doc
An upgrade to the previous program of the same name but version 4.0.

file protect
A program to lock/unlock a file or an entire disc of files.

label maker
Label printing program with print codes and type variations.

library renamer
Usefull program to rename/renumber/lock and unlock discs sequentially.

Same as l brary renamer but for single discs.

pe k utility
A collection of subroutines in one prog.

A very usefull program for helping to correct hard and soft disc errors.

tiny label
Label printing utility.


Inventory for discs, notes in program.

Zipcode disc unpacker.

Zipcode disc packer.

function temp.8
Template printer for 8 function keys.

function temp16
Template printer for 16 function keys.

Disk name: icpug utilities u12

Use this program to autoboot this and your own discs, read autodoc for method.

Use this program to output the bootdata file to your printer.

baseprint v2
Update of the program from disc no U11 with a few minor bugs removed a extras added. From James Mason 9librarian)

phone-file v2
Updated and extras adfed as baseprint from James Mason.

run first
Info file an interesting program from an ICPUG member.

More info to main program.

At last the main program.

Files for Masterprog.

More files for masterprog.

Even more files for masterprog.

Yes even more files.

64 aid
This is the first of approx 40main program.

At last the main program.

Files for Masterprog.

More files for masterprog.

Even more files for masterprog.

Yes even more files.

64 aid
This is the first of approx 40

Disk name: icpug utilities u13

Use this program to autoboot this and your own discs. Read autodoc for method.

Will output the bootdata file to your printer.

director 1581
1581 utility programs are available from

Disk name: icpug utilities u15-16

Use this program to autoboot this and your own discs. Read autodoc for method.

Use this program to output the bootdata file to your printer.

ps dump v2.0+
This disc contains Print Shop graphics of 2 blocks. Plus many useful programs to convert-print and display. Use DIR.

Disk name: icpug utilities u17

Use this program to autoboot this and your own disks. Read autodoc for method

This program will output the bootdata files to your printer.
This program will read the SEQ files on this disk, and to your printer. LOAD and RUN.

c/run me first
Information on Peek A Byte.

peek a byte
A very useful disk utility program with lots of information in the SEQ files.

Demo of Peek A Byte.

Demo for 128 users only.

Very good compacter and de-compacter for the C64. Spacesaver and very useful to send multi file prgs as one file.

Disk name: icpug utilities u21

Use this program to autoboot this and your own disks.

This program will output the bootdata file to your printer.
E.S.R. will output the seq files to screen or printer.

80 column screen
First of many good utility programs on this disk. Load from directory.

ohms law




1581 bam-c64

file manager

label maker

label it v2.1

miniwordpro v1.3
word processor

file fox

address base v2

data master 1084

pools checker

single disk copy

Disk name: icpug lib u22

Use this program to autoboot this and your own disks. Read SEQ for method.

This program will output the bootdata files to your printer.
E.S.R. will read and print the SEQ files to your printer.

ps/pm/nr v1.2
Graphic converter Print Shop, Print Mas-ter, Newsroom.

Graphic converter, Print Shop A to B and B to A.

110 Print Shop 3 block graphics. This is now also on disk 23 ready for instant use.

ps dump epson
Print Shop Dump to Epsom plus comats.

ps dump cbm v0
Print Shop Dump to CBM printers.

prntshop lbl/cbm
Graphic labels to CBM printer.

prntshop lbl/eps
Graphic labels to Epsom plus compats.

Graphic labels to Star.

This program is also on disk 23 already un-arced for you and ready to use.

2/3 block label printer, CBM and Epsom compatable.

ps dump nx1000
PrintShop Dump fo NX1000 printer

icpug useful disk v4

this disk is another collection of programs whch you may find 'useful'.

there is a good variety with programs to amuse you as well as help you.

program: address base v2

comments: this is a database type program which you can use to store names and addresses. instructions are included in the program.

program: baseprint v2

comments: this is a database type program with instructions included in the program.

program: bioprinter 6.0

comments: this program will calculate and display (or print) biorythm charts.

program: c-64 calculator

comments: this is a computer version of the pocket calculator. very useful if you don't own one of the latter.

program: calcalc

comments: this program is a calendar calculator and will do the following:

tell you which day of the week a date falls on.

calculate how many days fall between two dates.

print out calendar pages for a given month (both horizontal and vertical format.

calculate interval dates. for instance the dates which occur every 100 days or whatever you choose.

a bug-proof program that is very easy to use.

program: coupon organize

comments: this program is a sort of data file for storing information about 'store coupons'. more of use to our friends across the atlantic!

program: demon

comments: this program is a domestic accounts monitoring system which will help you plan your domestic expenditure.

it is menu driven and very easy to use. it is supplied with some dummy data so you can see what it does before you set up your own data file.

a non-compiled version of the program called 'demco' is also on the disk in case you want to modify the code or see how the program works.

see the text file 'demon.ins' for full instructions.

program: phone-file v2

comments: this is a database type program which you can use to store telephone numbers. instructions are included in the program.

program: pools checker

comments: this program was written to help check your football pool results. it is a little out of date with the new pools points system but could be easily modified.

program: timemaster

comments: this program will display two clocks on your computer screen. one will give thecurrent time and the other acts as a stopwatch. useful if you want a large digital clock but only if you don't want to use the computer for anything else. more a demo program really but a good one none-the-less.

disk terminal 2

this is another disk of communications software.

the programs on the disk are:

kermit rs232 (instructions in kermit text)

edterm demo (instructions in edterm demo info)

fast rs232 pal (instructions in files manual 1-6)

sequenzer v2.0

2 disk side of utilitys
david walker of irlam
walker disk 1

0 "b " 02 2a
7 "" prg
0 " " usr
6 "seq reader" prg
0 " " usr
4 "seq fast read" prg
0 " " usr
5 "seq file reader" prg
0 " " usr
6 "seq/usr reader" prg
0 " " usr
36 "seqreader" prg
0 " " usr
16 "seq reader v3.1" prg
0 " " usr
66 "ultra v8.1.sda" prg
0 " " usr
17 "seq.file rdr" prg
0 " " usr
13 "read seq. file" prg
0 " " usr
17 "seq line editor" prg
0 " " usr
5 "seq write file" prg
0 " " usr
38 "usr/seq maker" prg
0 " " usr
5 "seq lister" prg
0 " " usr
5 "seq file ut.inst" prg
9 "seq file utility" prg
9 "seq tutor ldr" prg
1 "menu.b" prg
103 "sqtut.b" prg
0 " " usr
296 blocks free.


0 "dw " 00 2a
28 "bbi-copy6.3" prg
0 " " usr
11 "turbocopy" prg
0 " " usr
18 "01 turbocopy v1." prg
0 " " usr
41 "disk copier" prg
0 " " usr
41 "10 quickcopy v2." prg
0 " " usr
26 "11 c64 fast back" prg
0 " " usr
11 "copy 58.5k" prg
0 " " usr
11 "fast backup v4.0" prg
0 " " usr
18 "fbackup v2.5" prg
0 " " usr
15 "copy many files" prg
0 " " usr
27 "file copy" prg
0 " " usr
41 "quickcopy 2.0" prg
0 " " usr
13 "selective copy" prg
0 " " usr
11 "super fastcopy" prg
0 " " usr
28 "copy some.c" prg
1 "copy some ml.d" prg
0 " " usr
11 "4 min copy" prg
0 " " usr
36 "supercopy 2 driv" prg
1 "supercopy64.boot" prg
45 "sc" prg
0 " " usr
16 "disk backup2" prg
17 "1541backup(free)" prg
0 " " usr
16 "single file copy" prg
0 " " usr
3 "disk copy" prg
0 " " usr
28 "backup" prg
0 " " usr
2 "copy 'q'" prg
33 "copyq-sys24448" prg
0 " " usr
40 "kwik copy" prg
0 " " usr
41 "quick copy" prg
0 " " usr
31 "file cpy" prg
0 " " usr
3 blocks free.


2 disks from mr walker from irlam
4 - sides

0 "walker disk 2 " 01 2a
9 "menu" prg
0 " " usr
0 " " usr
10 "label it 2" prg
0 " " usr
64 "label maker.c" prg
0 " " usr
9 "labels 1-1000" prg
0 " " usr
35 "custom label.5.0" prg
0 " " usr
7 "custom labels" prg
0 " " usr
14 "label maker inst" prg
16 "label maker" prg
0 " " usr
8 "lots of labels" prg
0 " " usr
8 "disk label print" prg
0 " " usr
6 "directory labels" prg
0 " " usr
64 "mail labels" prg
0 " " usr
36 "label pro4.1" prg
13 "label pro4.1 doc" prg
0 " " usr
63 "label ii v2.0" prg
0 " " usr
55 "mr.label maker" prg
0 " " usr
15 "multi labels" prg
0 " " usr
61 "labeler ii" prg
0 " " usr
72 "labeller iv" prg
56 "label iv docs" seq
0 " " usr
43 blocks free.
0 "walker disk 2 " 02 2a
13 "autoload" prg
0 " " usr
43 "calc v1.03" prg
98 "" prg
26 "ssheet intro" seq
0 " " usr
7 "dir. designer" prg
15 "ddd1" prg
98 "ddd2" prg
87 "instructions" seq
43 "instructions pt1" seq
45 "instructions pt2" seq
0 " " usr
83 "mailing list" prg
0 " " usr
8 "dir jacket print" prg
0 " " usr
9 "123 dir printer" prg
0 " " usr
9 "two col dir prnt" prg
0 " " usr
18 "01 turbocopy v1." prg
0 " " usr
48 "disk master" prg
0 " " usr
14 blocks free.
walker disk 3
0 "instant press " j3 1
1 "ip" prg
32 "ipldr" prg
22 "slib0.shp" prg
23 "slib1.shp" prg
20 "slib2.shp" prg
19 "slib3.shp" prg
21 "slib4.shp" prg
20 "slib5.shp" prg
21 "slib6.shp" prg
19 "slib7.shp" prg
21 "slib8.shp" prg
15 "slib9.shp" prg
5 "sliba.shp" prg
5 "" prg
4 "" prg
30 "main.shp" prg
16 "border0.shp" prg
27 "border1.shp" prg
9 "fonticon.shp" prg
7 "patticon.shp" prg
23 "deville.fnt" prg
27 "scribe.fnt" prg
11 "office.fnt" prg
12 "hampton.fnt" prg
16 "times.fnt" prg
10 "western.fnt" prg
9 "utopia.fnt" prg
12 "computer.fnt" prg
6 "epson.pdr" prg
7 "oki.pdr" prg
6 "comm.pdr" prg
7 "citoh.pdr" prg
7 "okimate.pdr" prg
9 "teditor" prg
9 "geditor" prg
92 "pmcode" prg
1 "pmsetup" prg
7 "oki82.pdr" prg
56 blocks free.
0 "b " 00 2a
9 "menu" prg
0 " " usr
0 " " usr
1 "tasword" prg
45 "tascode blk2" prg
25 "tascode blk1" prg
33 "tascode blk3" prg
0 " " usr
147 "interword" prg
0 " " usr
25 "speed/script" prg
0 " " usr
13 "miniwordpro.c" prg
0 " " usr
25 "word processor.c" prg
0 " " usr
29 "word processor" prg
22 "@w/wp.doc" seq
0 " " usr
23 "quickscript" prg
0 " " usr
92 "stationary store" prg
10 "ss-1" prg
11 "ss-2" prg
12 "ss-3" prg
19 "ss-4" prg
0 " " usr
17 "form maker" prg
0 " " usr
16 "lfs form maker" prg
0 " " usr
15 "form generator i" prg
0 " " usr
17 "yellow pages" prg
0 " " usr
28 "bbi-copy6.3" prg
0 " " usr
30 blocks free.

Commodore's own 64 W.P.
comes with a reference card to print out
with the control functions on etc .

along with a file to play with and
8 "alldem" seq
5 "1515underline" seq
9 "mx80/fx80 info" seq

3 disks of assorted utils & demos

151 "lrr.sfx" prg
1 "lrr.txt" seq
little red reader for dealing with
ibm disks
27 "diskutil.prg" prg
23 "unzip128.prg" prg
39 "unzip64.prg" prg
unzip those .zips & .gz's
from those ibm disks !
126 "123-demo-active" prg
24 "enigma-musicdemo" prg
89 "gameover-active" prg
18 "revolution-music" prg
357 blocks free.
from a commodore tape - assorted utils
and subroutines
4 "delete" prg
2 "disable r/s" prg
10 "charget-mod" prg
13 "artist" prg
4 "reformed chars" prg
4 "raster irq" prg
3 "sound effects" prg
11 "display t&s" prg
16 "aids x 4" prg
6 "autorun" prg
13 "breakout" prg
13 "digiclock" prg
4 "auto number" prg
11 "music keyboard" prg
18 "3d maze" prg
16 "smooth scroll" prg
11 "keyboard display" prg
5 "sight" prg
6 "character plot" prg
26 "ufo" prg
25 "synth" prg
5 "merge" prg
8 "renumber" prg
8 "time" prg
17 "commandore" prg
14 "dice roller" prg
55 "transmat" prg
55 "+/- lister" prg
10 "sprite routines" prg
12 "q-bert" prg
13 "mini-mon" prg
3 "sprites" prg
1 "wait joy" prg
1 "user defchars" prg
5 "multi" prg
234 blocks free.
30 "qpx64.sfx" prg
145 "qwkie31u.sda" prg
142 "qwkiefre.sfx" prg
47 "unzip101.sfx" prg
170 "nzp12819.sfx" prg
129 blocks free.

knowledge base search
6 sides
this set has HTML browser along with HTML files from website
that deal with repairs to commodore equipment,
problems and adapting other items to use with them
- the HTML files have a syntax layout for links back to index
that the browser don't like - so after reading a file to get back to
the contents index either load ''index.htm'' or link from the
''./'' file -