This is a list of the CBM/PET library as it is at present from the catalouge disks but there are some additional bits that are due to go onto the list at present . There is a seperate page for the 700 series
However - all contributions gratefully received !!
main menu page
page one of PET/CBM library items
page two of this list of PET/CBM library items
page three of this list of PET/CBM library items
page four of this list of PET/CBM library items
page five of this list of PET/CBM library items
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. c8 ***
13 " ********************************
14 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
15 " *** ======================== ***
16 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
17 " *** text prepared by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** John Bloore, ***
20 " *** ***
21 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
22 " *** West Midlands, ***
23 " ***
24 " *** 15/06/85 ***
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** ***
28 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
29 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
30 " *** ***
31 " ********************************
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
36 " ********************************
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
48 " student for whom the program is suitable :
49 "
50 " P - Primary
51 " S - Secondary
52 " T - Tertiary
53 "
54 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
55 "
56 " LIST-ME.C8 This file contains descriptions of the programs on
57 " ICPUG Disk No. C8 - LOAD and LIST it.
58 "
59 " This disk contains ...
60 "
101 "
102 " The following programs are on Physics topics by Robert J. Lamb. The
103 " titles are generally self-explanatory. In creating this large
104 " collection, Bob has agreed to sacrifice graphical elegance. (S)
105 "
106 " ATOM Atomic mass calculator.
107 " CONFORCE Force conversions.
108 " CONLEN Length conversions.
109 " CONWORK Program missing from original disk.
110 " CONPRESS Pressure conversions.
111 " DECAY Radioactive decay.
112 " DEFECT Mass defect in terms of energy.
113 " FUSE Match correct fuse size to appliance.
114 " GENERAL General Gas equation.
115 " KINET Kinematics.
116 " LENS1, 2 & 3 Focal lengths of lenses.
117 " MASS Molecular mass calculator.
118 " OHM & OHM2 Ohm's law.
119 " ORBIT Spacecraft orbits.
120 " PEND1 Simple pendulum.
121 " PEND2 Period of a pendulum.
122 " PHOTEL Photoelectric simulation.
123 " PHOTOEL Photoelectric effect.
124 " REFRACT1 & 2 Refraction of light.
125 " STOICH Stoichiomatic calculations.
126 " YOUNG1 Young's double slit experiment.
127 " YOUNG2 Measurement of wavelength by Young's interference
128 " bands.
129 "
130 " BOHR ATOM (ST)
131 " Demonstration program. Work books for these programs were available
132 " from the author, John Sweeney, 8 Hollymount Gardens, Offerta,
133 " Stockport.
134 "
135 " CAKE (P)
136 " BASIC + Machine code routines in HIMEM; just fits in 8k RAM. A map is
137 " held of the piece of 'cake' in 4k. The three M/C routines enable :-
138 "
139 " SYS3936 zeroises the 4K map.
140 " SYS3957 sets to 1 the bit at X, Y, Z where these three
141 " co-ordinates are POKEd into bytes 0,1 and 2
142 " respectively.
143 " SYS3584 displays two orthogonal slices through the cake at depths
144 " A & B POKEd into bytes 1 & 2.
145 "
146 " Setting of byte 50003 is used to identify zero-page organisation.
147 "
148 " OBJECTIVE :- to illustrate the principle of the Brain Scanner, or any
149 " other device which attempts a 3-D image on the basis of 2-D views. The
150 " random insertion of currants, raisins and cherries may be substituted
151 " by other objects if more RAM is available.
152 "
153 " Program by Michael T Deans of the West London Institute of HE.
154 "
156 " Exercise in electrical circuit topology. Program by Lusty and Co.
157 "
158 " VERNIER SCALE #9.2 (S)
159 " Teaches user how to read a vernier scale. Original author unknown but
160 " upgraded by Mark Stewart. Should run on any PET or C64.
161 "
162 " VERNIER (S)
163 " Original program for PET's. (Original disk 4). Author unknown.
164 "
166 " Similar program to VERNIER. (Original disk 4). Author unknown.
167 "
169 " Straight physics program by David Parkinson & Pehara Singh of Modern
170 " Tutorial College, 25/3/1980.
171 "
173 " Straight Physics - program missing.
174 "
176 " Straight physics program by David Parkinson. From a program by Nick
177 " Hampshire in Practical Computing, Sept 1979
178 "
180 " Straight physics program by David Parkinson revised 21/11/1979.
181 "
182 " HEATFLOW (S)
183 " Stochastic simulation of :-
184 "
185 " (a) attainment of thermal equilibrium in an Einstein solid by
186 " quantum movement.
187 "
188 " (b) heat transfer between hot and cold Einstein solids by
189 " quantum movement.
190 "
191 " Dynamic display. Designed for Nuffield Physics A level unit 9.
192 " Program by C. R. du Feu, Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School,
193 " Gainsborough, Lincolnshire.
194 "
196 " Demonstration program. Work books for these programs were available
197 " from the author, John Sweeney, 8 Hollymount Gardens, Offerta,
198 " Stockport. (Original disk 4).
199 "
200 " MILLIKAN #7. (ST) (Original disk 7.1).
201 " A simulation of Millikan's oil drop experiment with full graphics.
202 " Timescale may be varied for quicker completion of the experiment.
203 " Program by Michael Morris of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School,
204 " Gainsborough, Lincolnshire.
205 "
206 " The program has five pages. To run, type #N, where N is the required
207 " page.
208 "
209 " #1. User instructions.
210 "
211 " #2. Drop selection.
212 " Select the drop in the normal way by adjusting the potential
213 " difference (pd) across the plates. Some drops are not charged,
214 " others are too heavy or light to balance properly. The pd may be
215 " varied in 3 ways :-
216 "
217 " Type a 3-digit number in the range 0-599, eg. 009, 085, 485
218 " Add or subtract a number in the range 1-9, eg. +6, -3
219 " To change the sign of the pd, type C.
220 "
221 " Initially, pd is 0 and it may only take on integral values. Once
222 " a drop is chosen, all others may be removed from the display.
223 " Type D followed by an integer N, where N is the position of the
224 " drop from the left, eg. D4 selects the fourth drop from the left.
225 " If no drops are selected in this way, the left hand drop will be
226 " selected when the simulation passes to #3. Once a drop is
227 " isolated, select #3.
228 " NOTE: On entry into #3, pd is reset to zero.
229 "
230 " #3. Balance voltage.
231 " Adjust pd as in #2 in order to balance the drop. If the drop is
232 " not between the graticules on entry into #3, it may be some time
233 " before it appears on the screen. If the drop is lost, the
234 " simulation will be halted and may be rerun. Once the drop is
235 " nearly stationary, the timescale may be increased up to 999 times
236 " normal. To change the scale, type *, followed by three digits,
237 " eg. *025 will increase the timescale to 25 times normal. When the
238 " balance potential is obtained to the nearest volt, select #4, via
239 " #2.
240 "
241 " NOTE: The drop velocity may be displayed on the screen for
242 " demonstration purposes. To do this, 0 (zero) must be
243 " typed at the beginning of the simulation before any page is
244 " selected.
245 "
246 " On leaving #3, the balance potential is recorded for use in #4 and
247 " #5.
248 "
249 " #4. Terminal velocity.
250 " The drop MUST be moved above the top graticule. To do this from
251 " #3, first enter #2, then select #4 when the drop is above the
252 " upper graticule. The drop falls freely and the time taken to
253 " travel between the graticules is both recorded and displayed
254 " correct to the nearest 0.1 sec..
255 "
256 " #5. Calculations.
257 " Calculations for the experiment are displayed, giving finally the
258 " charge on the drop.
259 "
260 " -----------------------------------------------------------------------
261 "
263 " Conservation of momentum by David Parkinson, 14/6/1980. Simulates a
264 " collision between two vehicles.
265 "
266 " PETROL (P)
267 " All-BASIC, ROM independent program running within 8k. Objective is to
268 " install concept of fuel economy, of continuous (speedometer)/discreet
269 " (low-res graph) recording concept of graphing, principle of
270 " petrol-engine accelerator. Program by Michael T Deans of West London
271 " Institute of HE.
272 "
274 " User orientated. Requires printer. Program by David Parkinson and
275 " Gilead Cooper, 1st June, 1980
276 "
278 " Resistors and Ohm's Law are reviewed and tested in this program.
279 " A calculator is a helpful aid. Program written by R. W. Dray and
280 " adapted by Armand Aiello to run on any PET. Will not run on C64 as far
281 " as is known.
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. c9 ***
13 " ********************************
14 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
15 " *** ======================== ***
16 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
17 " *** text prepared by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** John Bloore, ***
20 " *** ***
21 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
22 " *** West Midlands, ***
23 " ***
24 " *** 15/06/85 ***
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** ***
28 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
29 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
30 " *** ***
31 " ********************************
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
36 " ********************************
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
48 " student for whom the program is suitable :
49 "
50 " P - Primary
51 " S - Secondary
52 " T - Tertiary
53 "
54 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
55 "
56 " LIST-ME.C9 This file contains descriptions of the programs on
57 " ICPUG Disk No. C9 - LOAD and LIST it.
58 "
59 " This disk contains ...
60 "
101 "
103 " Introduction to 'PERCENT DRILL' by D.S. Cooper of Schreiber.
104 "
106 " Find percent to decimal, decimal to percent and indirect percentages.
107 " Program by D.S. Cooper of Schreiber High School.
108 "
109 " ADD & SUB (P)
110 " Requires calculator or scratch pad for answers to exam questions.
111 " Program by Michael Samorodny of Fort William Collegiate, Fort William,
112 " Ontario.
113 "
115 " Graded adaptive element addition. Author not known.
116 "
118 " Base 10 to Base 2-16 programmed by Trevor L Lusty 4/8/79
119 "
120 " CLOCK (P)
121 " Analogue clock - from magazine listing, program by R G Geere.
122 "
123 " CM (P)
124 " Estimating length in cm, over range 1-15cm (easier version of program
125 " 'How Long'). No author detail but thought to be from Crawley Teachers
126 " Centre.
127 "
129 " Solve the equation before getting struck by a torpedo. This fun
130 " learning game has good graphics and captions too! Program by Gary
131 " Guttebo.
132 "
133 " DARTS (PS)
134 " This program checks your speed and accuracy at adding, subtracting,
135 " multiplying or dividing. It scores you and other players on a dart
136 " board. Good to improve accuracy while speeding up estimating. Program
137 " by Brad Compton.
138 "
140 " All-BASIC, ROM-independent program running within 8k. Objective
141 " similar to ARITHMETIC (see disk CA), but using numbers with decimal
142 " points, the 'sums' being printed down the page instead of across.
143 " Decimal numbers are selected to be exact fractions, running by 1/2,
144 " 1/4, 1/8, 1/10 - the decimal fractions most likely to be encountered as
145 " interest rates, etc.. Reward system rather feeble. Program by D. S.
146 " Cooper of Schreiber High School.
147 "
148 " DIVISION (P)
149 " Simulated long division of whole numbers. Excellent! Answers may or
150 " may not have remainders (optional). Author not known.
151 "
152 " FACTORS (S)
153 " Practice in factoring of algebraic trinomials. Author not known.
154 "
156 " Extended version of FACTORS presented as a game. Players move down a
157 " race track at a speed dependent on their factoring ability. Author not
158 " known.
159 "
161 " Factoring of polynomial equations up to the 6th. degree. Program by D.
162 " S. Cooper of Schreiber High School.
163 "
165 " Prime factoring of whole numbers. Program by D. S. Cooper of Schreiber
166 " High School.
167 "
168 " FRACTION GAME 2.0 (PS)
169 " Shoots darts at a target by giving the fraction that best represents
170 " the position of the target on a scale. Program by Don Johnson, Pet
171 " User Group Software exchange, PO BOX 371, Montgomeryville, PA 18936.
172 "
174 " Fraction arithmetic drill. Program by D. S. Cooper of Schreiber High
175 " School.
176 "
178 " Integer TIC TAC TOE. Program by Craig Eisler of Fort William
179 " Collegiate, Fort William, Ontario.
180 "
181 " HANG MATH (PS)
182 " A HANGMAN game using numbers, but program suspect. Original program by
183 " P. Feldman & T. Rugg Oct 1976 and modified for the PET by Tom Tunny.
184 "
185 " HICALC (S)
186 " This interesting program requires the user to arrange given numbers
187 " into an arithmetic statement to obtain the highest possible result.
188 " Demands smart thinking. Program by Jo Ann Comito, Suny Stony Brook,
189 " 1/9/79
190 "
191 " HOW LONG (P)
192 " Estimating length in mm, over range of 1-155mm.. Program from Crawley
193 " Teachers Centre.
194 "
195 " HTU (P)
196 " Place value - elementary. Educational Computing November 1980.
197 "
199 " Place value- reinforcement: tidied up and altered a lot by Arthur
200 " French.
201 "
203 " Integer maths drill. Optional difficulty levels. Program by D.S.
204 " Cooper, Lake Superior Board of Education.
205 "
206 " PERCENT (S)
207 " A program in percentages. Program by H. Brochmann, Balmoral School,
208 " North Vancouver.
209 "
211 " Teaches long division using the long division technique. Program by
212 " Edward M. Lichten, Pet User Group, PO BOX 371, Montgomeryville,
213 " PA 18936.
214 "
216 " Test mathematical vocabulary. Program by D.N. Smith.
217 "
219 " Converts US standard to metric. Author, Saeed of Columbia College,
220 " 1619 W10 Ave., Vancouver, B.C.
221 "
223 " Does metric conversions. Allows user defined functions.
224 " One of Jim Butterfield's programs for the PET User Group Software
225 " Exchange, PO BOX371, Montgomeryville, PA 18936.
226 "
228 " Much like 'DECIMALS' - arithmetic of numbers. Author not known.
229 "
231 " This short program by James W. Whitewood, was written to show prime
232 " numbers could be generated using the PET computer.
233 "
234 " PRIME TEST (P)
235 " Elementary maths program, author not known.
236 "
237 " PRIME LIST (S)
238 " Elementary maths program, author not known.
239 "
240 " PRIMES (S)
241 " Simple demo for the 8032 computer, author not known.
242 "
244 " Prime number algorithm modernised by D.N. Smith.
245 "
246 " SMALL MATH (P)
247 " This is an elementary school program to review addition and
248 " subtraction. It uses large numbers and a correct answer gets a smiling
249 " face. Program by James W. Whitewood.
250 "
252 " The game of TIC-TAC-TOE for the PET. Answer maths problems to win
253 " squares. 10 levels of difficulty. Program by Jo Ann Comito, Suny
254 " Stony Brook, June 1979
255 "
256 " TIME (P)
257 " Test ability to tell time. Program by Arthur French of Crawley
258 " Teachers' Centre and derived from 'CLOCK', R. Geere's analogue clock
259 " program.
260 "
262 " Addition, subtraction and multiplication of whole numbers by D.S.
263 " Cooper of Schreiber High School.
264 "
265 " WHOLES (P)
266 " More whole number arithmetic. Program again by D.S. Cooper, this time
267 " shown as being of Lake Superior Board of Education.
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT
" ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. ca ***
13 " ********************************
14 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
15 " *** ======================== ***
16 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
17 " *** text prepared by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** John Bloore, ***
20 " *** ***
21 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
22 " *** West Midlands, ***
23 " ***
24 " *** 15/06/85 ***
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** ***
28 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
29 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
30 " *** ***
31 " ********************************
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
36 " ********************************
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
48 " student for whom the program is suitable :
49 "
50 " P - Primary
51 " S - Secondary
52 " T - Tertiary
53 "
54 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
55 "
56 " LIST-ME.CA This file contains descriptions of the programs on
57 " ICPUG Disk No. CA - LOAD and LIST it.
58 "
59 " This disk contains ...
60 "
101 "
102 " ABACUS (P)
103 " All-BASIC, ROM independent program running in 8k. Objective to
104 " illustrate multiplication (X=1-9 * Y=1-9 only) as setting up an array
105 " of beads X by Y, and showing them reorganised into tens and units.
106 " Large digits are used and encouragement to preempt the bead displays by
107 " correct answers.
108 " Program by Michael T Deans, West London Institute of HE.
109 "
110 " AREAS (P)
111 " Estimate the number of squares that fit into a large rectangular area.
112 " Program from Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
113 "
115 " All-BASIC, ROM independent program running in 8k. Objective to test
116 " arithmetic skills in the range 2+3=5 to 99/11=9, with pupil-selected
117 " grading. Large digits used. Scoring system employs an X-Y plot of
118 " success against time. Speed is pupil-selected. Program by Michael T
119 " Deans, West London Institute of HE.
120 "
121 " BASE 2+ (S)
122 " Binary addition drill by J R Bailey, Costessey School.
123 "
124 " BASE 2- (S)
125 " Binary subtraction drill by J R Bailey, Costessey School.
126 "
127 " CHANGE (P)
128 " For 2 players or teams. Replace 11 by two unequal smaller numbers,
129 " then replace one of the new numbers, and so on, until only 1's or 2's
130 " remain. There are sound effects for those with a sound box. Program
131 " from Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
132 "
133 " CLOCK5 (P)
134 " All-BASIC, ROM independent program running in 8k. Objective to
135 " encourage time-telling in the style TWENTY PAST 6, 7 O'CLOCK, QUARTER
136 " TO 9, etc. rather than the digital read-out style engendered by digital
137 " watches and most computerised presentations of time. Reward is in
138 " getting the clock to run free to the next randomly-selected time.
139 " Program by Michael T Deans, West London Institute of HE.
140 "
141 " CONCEAL (P)
142 " Throw dice and cover digits with a sum equivalent to the total shown on
143 " the dice. Program from Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for
144 " Wiltshire.
145 "
146 " CONNECT 4 (P)
147 " In this game for two players, counters fall from the top of the screen
148 " into one of seven slots, the winner being the first one to get four in
149 " a line. Program from Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
150 "
151 " COUNTERS (P)
152 " Any three counters placed on a number line must total 15. Sound
153 " effects incorporated. Program from Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor
154 " for Wiltshire.
155 "
157 " This program displays a counting frame with beads, in any base from 2
158 " to 10. Good teaching aid allowing discussion. Program from Anita
159 " Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
160 "
162 " Arithmetic of numbers containing decimals. A calculator and scratch
163 " pad will be required. Program by Michael T Deans, West London
164 " Institute of HE.
165 "
166 " DIFFER (P)
167 " Introduces different aspects of subtraction using illustrations, verbal
168 " questions and numbers. Program from Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor
169 " for Wiltshire.
170 "
172 " Demonstrates the shifting of digits to left or right when multiplying
173 " or dividing by either 10,100 or 1,000. If you don't like the villain,
174 " delete line 325! Program from Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for
175 " Wiltshire.
176 "
177 " FLAGS (P)
178 " Four flags are place randomly on a board and by combining numbers
179 " rolled by three dice, players cover squares on the board. Program from
180 " Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
181 "
182 " GUSINTER (P)
183 " A 6 X 6 grid of multiples of numbers 2-9 is displayed and the players
184 " must cover multiples of numbers rolled on a 2-9 die, in order to get
185 " four numbers in a row. Program from Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor
186 " for Wiltshire.
187 "
188 " MORE OR LESS (P)
189 " Practice in the use of the signs >, =, and <. Correct responses are
190 " rewarded with a smiling donkey. Program from Anita Straker,
191 " Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
192 "
193 " MR STRONG (P)
194 " Number recognition for 3-5 year olds. Program by C.R. du Feu, Queen
195 " Elizabeth's Grammar School,Gainsborough.
196 "
198 " Numbers are displayed one by one in a repeated addition or subtraction
199 " sequence, or in any other sequence input by the teacher. Automatic
200 " mode allows continuous display whilst controlled mode gives time for
201 " discussion between numbers. Program from Anita Straker, Mathematics
202 " Advisor for Wiltshire.
203 "
204 " ON OR BACK (P)
205 " Practice in addition or subtraction, or both, of one particular digit.
206 " Correct responses are rewarded by a winking cat and errors explained by
207 " a demonstration on a number line. Program from Anita Straker,
208 " Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
209 "
211 " Up to 20 circles are displayed in a square box, which can then be
212 " partitioned in a variety of ways. The sum represented by the
213 " partitioning is displayed in large figures below the box. Program from
214 " Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
215 "
216 " SHAPES (PS)
217 " All-BASIC, ROM independent program running in 8K. Objective is to
218 " emulate the 11+ type logic question involving matching, 9 pupil
219 " selected grades. Scoring system employs an X-Y plot of success against
220 " time (as for 'ARITHMETIC'). Speed pupil selected. Program by Michael
221 " T Deans, West London Institute of HE.
222 "
223 " SIGFIGS (P)
224 " Utility program which will round numbers up to 8 significant figures or
225 " decimal places, or both, inserting zeros where necessary. Program from
226 " Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
227 "
229 " Drill practice in +, - and X. Program by John Bailey of Joanna Scott
230 " Computer Resource, Costessey High School.
231 "
233 " Same as COUNTING FRAME except that the abacus is vertical, the counting
234 " is in base 10 and only hundreds, tens and units are displayed. Program
235 " from Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
236 "
238 " A random number of square units appear on the right hand side of the
239 " screen. These are then re-arranged into columns of tens and remaining
240 " units, which in turn are replaced by numerals. Program from Anita
241 " Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
242 "
243 " TOYSHOP (P)
244 " A toy and it's price appear in a shop window and players take it in
245 " turns to pay a coin towards it's cost. Winner is the first player to
246 " play a coin to make up the exact total price. Program from Anita
247 " Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
248 "
249 " TRAPPED (P)
250 " This program gives two children the opportunity to investigate a game
251 " in which markers are moved around a 6 X 6 board. A machine code
252 " subroutine is stored in the second cassette buffer. Program from Anita
253 " Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
254 "
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. cb ***
13 " ********************************
14 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
15 " *** ======================== ***
16 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
17 " *** text prepared by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** John Bloore, ***
20 " *** ***
21 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
22 " *** West Midlands, ***
23 " ***
24 " *** 15/06/85 ***
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** ***
28 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
29 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
30 " *** ***
31 " ********************************
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
36 " ********************************
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
48 " student for whom the program is suitable :
49 "
50 " P - Primary
51 " S - Secondary
52 " T - Tertiary
53 "
54 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
55 "
56 " LIST-ME.CB This file contains descriptions of the programs on
57 " ICPUG Disk No. CB - LOAD and LIST it.
58 "
59 " This disk contains ...
60 "
101 "
102 " BOUNCE (P)
103 " Predict the exit or number of bounces of a rolling ball in a rectangle.
104 " Program from Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
105 "
106 " COUNT 17 (P)
107 " Counting of 17 objects scattered around the screen with a choice of
108 " slow or fast display. PET responds to incorrect answers. Program from
109 " Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
110 "
111 " COUNT 25 (P)
112 " Similar to above but involving 25 spots. Program from Anita Straker,
113 " Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
114 "
115 " COUNT ON (P)
116 " Up to five pictures of objects are displayed for varying lengths of
117 " time so that the student can keep a running total by counting on.
118 " Program from Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for Wiltshire.
119 "
121 " A number is printed in words and must be typed in figures. A remedial
122 " teaching routine follows any error. Program by Anita Straker,
123 " Mathematics Adviser for Wiltshire.
124 "
125 " DIAGONAL (P)
126 " Investigates number of unit squares crossed by a diagonal of a
127 " rectangular grid. Program by Anita Straker, Mathematics Adviser for
128 " Wiltshire.
129 "
130 " LINES (P)
131 " Same as AREAS but estimates of lengths using a given length as a unit
132 " are required. Program by Anita Straker, Mathematics Adviser for
133 " Wiltshire.
134 "
136 " A number line is printed on the screen, with choice of + or - starting
137 " point. A picture marker moves along the line, quickly or slowly
138 " according to response. Program by Anita Straker, Mathematics Adviser
139 " for Wiltshire.
140 "
142 " Practice of repeated addition to get a vehicle round a numbered track
143 " in the shortest possible time. Errors slow down the vehicle's
144 " progress. Program by Anita Straker, Mathematics Adviser for Wiltshire.
145 "
146 " PATTERNS (P)
147 " Displays a choice from six different lay-outs of the hundred square and
148 " highlights repeated addition or subtraction patterns. Program by Anita
149 " Straker, Mathematics Adviser for Wiltshire.
150 "
151 " TABLES (P)
152 " Timed practice in tables to ten with teacher's record and diagnostic
153 " error messages for the student. Program by Anita Straker, Mathematics
154 " Adviser for Wiltshire.
155 "
156 " VALUES (P)
157 " A three digit base 10 number in large numbers is displayed and the
158 " pupil asked what value one of the digits represents from three random
159 " question formats. Program by Anita Straker, Mathematics Advisor for
160 " Wiltshire.
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. cc ***
13 " ********************************
14 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
15 " *** ======================== ***
16 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
17 " *** text prepared by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** John Bloore, ***
20 " *** ***
21 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
22 " *** West Midlands, ***
23 " ***
24 " *** 15/06/85 ***
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** ***
28 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
29 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
30 " *** ***
31 " ********************************
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
36 " ********************************
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
48 " student for whom the program is suitable :
49 "
50 " P - Primary
51 " S - Secondary
52 " T - Tertiary
53 "
54 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
55 "
56 " LIST-ME.CC This file contains descriptions of the programs on
57 " ICPUG Disk No. CC - LOAD and LIST it.
58 "
59 " This disk contains ...
60 "
101 "
102 " BACTERIA #1, #2, #3 & #4 (S)
103 " Modelling bacteria growth. Work books were available from the author,
104 " John Sweeney, 8 Holymount Gardens, Offerta, Stockport.
105 "
106 " NICHE CW9/2 (S)
107 " User tries to fit a variety of animals into their proper niche. Many
108 " variables. Should run on all PET's and C64 (providing loaded into
109 " correct area of memory). Original program by J.D. Lehman.
110 "
111 " DIET (ST)
112 " A dietary examination and evaluation program. Program originally
113 " developed by The State University of New York (SUNY) and converted for
114 " for the PET by Andy T Gamble of Columbia College, Vancouver.
115 " Documentation is available from the DEC office (Digital Equipment Corp)
116 " and, according to SUNY, is essential for maximum benefit.
117 "
119 " This program deals with earthquakes, measuring of seismic waves,
120 " locating epicentres, etc.. Program from Social Science Dept., Acton
121 " High School.
122 "
123 " ENSYMC (ST)
124 " A study in enzyme action with respect to ph, concentration and
125 " temperature. Original program 'Huntington Enzymc' modified for the PET
126 " by Andy T. Gamble of Columbia College, 1619 W10 Ave., Vancouver, B. C..
127 "
128 " ENZYME (S)
129 " Enzymic reaction rates. Program by Bob Lamb.
130 "
131 " GENETICS (S)
132 " Cross-breeding simulation - user selects sample size, rate of sampling
133 " and gametes. Running total kept of phenotypes and genotypes. Program
134 " submitted by M. Ceha, Meole Brace School, Longden Road, Shrewsbury,
135 " Salop SY3 9DW.
136 "
137 " HOTEL (PS)
138 " All-BASIC, ROM-independent program running within 8k. Objective as of
139 " original Hatfield DIET program, but limiting the menu by introducing
140 " the constraints of staying at an hotel and restricting the information
141 " to three concepts - calories, body building and vitamins
142 " (non-specific). Program by Michael T Dean, West London Institute of
143 " HE.
144 "
146 " Your own personalised mortality forecast. Not to be taken seriously.
147 " Author not known.
148 "
150 " Lifestyle analysis. Based on a Dept. of Health and Welfare Quiz and
151 " adapted for the PET by R. D. Wink of Peterborough.
152 "
153 " LOCKEY (ST)
154 " Demonstrates the lock and key hypothesis for enzyme
155 " acetylochlinesterase. Program by the State University of New York
156 " (SUNNY). Documentation was available from Digital Equipment
157 " Corporation and is, according to SUNNY, essential for maximum benefit.
158 " Adapted for the PET by Edmund and Grimble, Columbia College, 1619 W10
159 " Ave, Vancouver, B.C..
160 "
162 " A tutorial in the use of microscopes from the Science Dept, Acton High
163 " School.
164 "
165 " MUTANT (S)
166 " A simulation of evolution program by Bob Lamb.
167 "
168 " PHOSYN (S)
169 " Experiments in photosynthesis. 'Huntington project' modified for the
170 " PET by Andy Grimble, Columbia College, 1619 W10 Ave., Vancouver B.C..
171 "
172 " PHOTO (ST)
173 " Self-explanatory program on photosynthesis by Bob Lamb.
174 "
175 " POLUT 1 (PST)
176 " Water pollution study. Modified for the PET by Jo Ann Comito of Suny
177 " Stony Brook 6/9/1978
178 "
180 " A good science program to show the effect of pollution on a stream or
181 " lake using different water treatments. Program also by Jo Ann Comito.
182 " Earlier version of POLUT 1 ?
183 "
184 " POPSIM (S)
185 " Deterministic simulation of population growth and decay of a single
186 " species with density dependent rate of reproduction. Program by C.R.du
187 " Feu of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School.
188 "
190 " Program by John Sweeney to carry out a respirometer experiment.
191 "
192 " WATER (ST)
193 " Simulated water distribution model. Original by J. Freidland Dec 1978
194 " and modified by Kath Gilbert June 1979, Suny Stony Brook.
195 "
197 " Tests your reaction time at a simulated traffic intersection. Program
198 " by Phil Reese, Suny Stony Brook.
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. cd ***
13 " ********************************
14 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
15 " *** ======================== ***
16 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
17 " *** text prepared by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** John Bloore, ***
20 " *** ***
21 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
22 " *** West Midlands, ***
23 " ***
24 " *** 15/06/85 ***
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** ***
28 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
29 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
30 " *** ***
31 " ********************************
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
36 " ********************************
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
48 " student for whom the program is suitable :
49 "
50 " P - Primary
51 " S - Secondary
52 " T - Tertiary
53 "
54 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
55 "
56 " LIST-ME.CD This file contains descriptions of the programs on
57 " ICPUG Disk No. CD - LOAD and LIST it.
58 "
59 " This disk contains ...
60 "
101 "
102 " BALANCE (S)
103 " All BASIC, ROM independent program running in 8k. Objective to
104 " introduce the principles involved in using a chemical balance (or
105 " kitchen scales) - or indirectly, giving the correct change. A game for
106 " one or two players, success with BALANCE is rewarded by the swinging of
107 " the scale pans. Program by Michael T Deans, West London Institute of
108 " HE.
109 "
111 " Supplement instruction in balancing chemical equations.
112 "
114 " Simulates operation of the bubble tower to separate tar, gas, kerosene
115 " and coal oil from crude oil. Should work on all PET/CBM and C64
116 " machines. Original program by Bernie Wynia and upgraded by Richard
117 " Deboer.
118 "
120 " Drill on chemical nomenclature. Program by Stephen Woroszczuk of
121 " Fort William Collegiate, Fort William, Ontario.
122 "
124 " Respond with the abbreviations for random selections from the periodic
125 " table of the elements. Program by Rich Larson, PET User Group Software
126 " Exchange, PO BOX 371, Montgomeryville, P.A. 18936
127 "
129 " User orientated. Requires printer. Program by Mike Bojczuk and Dave
130 " Parkinson of Modern Tutorial College.
131 "
132 " TITRATION #1 (PST)
133 " An example of a simple CAL type program. The graphics are super and
134 " you carry out a simulated titration after instructions. This is the
135 " original version 8.0 by G.J. Flynn.
136 "
137 " TITRATOR (S)
138 " Improved version of the earlier release, TITRATION #1. Program
139 " modified by Bill Temple of S.M.N.T. Ltd, Steventon.
140 "
141 " TITRATION #9.2 (S)
142 " Simulation of a titration experiment. Should work on all PET's and on
143 " the C64. Again, the final upgrade and improved version by Carry
144 " Heather.
145 "
146 " The following programs are on Chemistry related topics by Robert J.
147 " Lamb. The titles are generally self-explanatory. In creating this
148 " large collection of programs, Bob has agreed to sacrifice graphical
149 " elegance.
150 "
151 " ACID 1 (S) File missing. Original not copyable.
152 " ATOM (S) Atomic mass calculator.
153 " COMPOUND (ST) Formula's of ionic compounds.
154 " DECAY (S) Radioactive decay.
155 " DEFECT (ST) Mass defect in terms of energy.
156 " ELEMENT (S) Chemical symbols of elements.
157 " ENERGY (ST) Electronic configuration of elements.
158 " FORMULA (S) Empirical formula calculator.
159 " GENERAL (S) General gas equation.
160 " ION (S) Ions, formula and charge.
161 " KINET (S) Kinematics.
162 " MASS (S) Molecular mass calculator.
163 " MOLAR (ST) Molar calculations.
164 " PERCENT (ST) Composition of mass of compound.
165 " PHOTEL (ST) Photelectric simulation.
166 " PHOTO (ST) Photosynthesis.
167 " RATE 1 to 4 (S) Chemical reaction rates.
168 " TITRATION #4.1 (S) To calculate unknown molarity in an
169 " acid-base titration. No connection
170 " with the other titration programs.
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. ce ***
4 " ********************************
5 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
6 " *** ======================== ***
7 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
8 " *** text prepared by: ***
9 " *** ***
10 " *** John Bloore, ***
11 " *** ***
12 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
13 " *** West Midlands, ***
14 " ***
15 " *** 15/06/85 ***
16 " ********************************
17 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
20 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
21 " *** ***
22 " ********************************
23 " ********************************
24 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
25 " *** be sold or published ****
26 " *** for profit. ****
27 " ********************************
28 " ********************************
29 " * To the best of our knowledge *
30 " * the programs on this disk *
31 " * are in the public domain. *
32 " * *
33 " * Should this not be the case, *
34 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
35 " * *
36 " ********************************
37 "
38 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
39 " student for whom the program is suitable :
40 "
41 " P - Primary
42 " S - Secondary
43 " T - Tertiary
44 "
45 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
46 "
47 " LIST-ME.CE This file contains descriptions of the programs on
48 " ICPUG Disk No. CE - LOAD and LIST it.
49 "
50 " This disk contains ...
51 "
53 "
55 " To determine the amount of a mortgage or loan as it varies over the
56 " period of the repayment. Author unknown.
57 "
59 " Amortization table calculator by Robert Drake, of 24 Barwell Street,
60 " Brantford, Ontario, N3T 4T6.
61 "
62 " BONDS (S)
63 " Savings bond present value calculator by Robert Drake, of 24 Barwell
64 " Street, Brantford, Ontario, N3T 4T6.
65 "
67 " Computerised school club and society accounting system by J. Stoe of
68 " Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Gainsborough.
69 "
71 " Shows depreciation of object value. Program by Andy Gamble of Columbia
72 " College, 1619 W10 Ave., Vancouver, B.C.
73 "
75 " From Creative Computing Book 2. Predict how long you will live!
76 " Program modified by Andy Gamble of Columbia College, 1619 W10 Ave,
77 " Vancouver, B.C..
78 "
79 " FIFO (ST)
80 " Demonstrates the First-In-First-Out method of inventory evaluation.
81 " Program from the State University of New York (SUNNY).Program modified
82 " by Andy Gamble of Columbia College, 1619 W10 Ave., Vancouver, B.C..
83 "
85 " From People's Computer Company and modified by Andy Gamble. The old
86 " chestnut!
87 "
88 " HOUSE (S)
89 " All-BASIC, ROM-independent program running within 8k. A program
90 " written to illustrate the potential of the PET to a class of local
91 " government officers - may be used with a mature class.
92 " Objective - to collect data about houses and their fuel costs, and use
93 " a model to determine whether these are within the expected range prior
94 " to introduction of a district heating scheme OR as a sales technique
95 " for double-glazing, central heating, loft insulation, etc..
96 " This program raises a number of political questions in class, and might
97 " well be used in a computer-appreciation class prior to a discussion on
98 " privacy, etc..
99 " Program by Michael T Deans, West London Institute of HE.
100 "
102 " Simulates a small business operation taking into account a number of
103 " variables. Should run on all PET's and C64. Unknown author.
104 "
106 " Life insurance calculator. Good for a Mathematics of Investment
107 " course. Program from Fort William Collegiate Institute, Fort William,
108 " Ontario.
109 "
111 " Prints mortgage amortization table given the variables. Allows one
112 " unknown variable. Program by R. D. Wink, July 1978.
113 "
115 " Energy consumption quiz. Program from Fort William Collegiate
116 " Institute, Fort William, Ontario.
117 "
118 " PAYROLL (ST)
119 " A short payroll program designed to demonstrate functions to Computer
120 " Science students requiring data processing appreciation. Program from
121 " 'QWERTY' Computer Services, Tel Durham 67045.
122 "
123 " POLICY (ST)
124 " Exercise in social economics. Modified by Thomas J. Fowley, Suny Stony
125 " Brook 15/6/78.
126 "
127 " POP GROWTH (S)
128 " Huntington II population growth simulation modified for the PET by Jo
129 " Ann Comito of Suny Stony Brook.
130 "
132 " Simple demo program for the 8032.
133 "
135 " Simulates the smog formation in a city. Program from Columbia College,
136 " 1619 W10 Ave, Vancouver, B.C..
137 "
139 " Excellent stock market simulator by 'JMC INC'?
140 "
142 " A game for students of Economics in which shares are bought and sold.
143 " Full instructions with the game.
144 "
146 " Huntington II population growth simulation for USA adapted for the PET
147 " by Suny Stony Brook.
148 "
149 " PETPRO #2 (PST)
150 "
151 " PETPRO is a simple word-processing program designed for school and
152 " college use and was the subject of an article in PRACTICALÝ COMPUTING
153 " in December 1981. This article has been written as a follow up
154 " 'LIST-ME.PETPRO' program included on this disk in the same format as
155 " this program. It takes about 4K of memory and does not require disks
156 " although it can work with them.
157 "
158 " Also included on this disk are two instruction programs which can be
159 " loaded and printed with PETPRO #2.
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. cf ***
4 " ********************************
5 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
6 " *** ======================== ***
7 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
8 " *** text prepared by: ***
9 " *** ***
10 " *** John Bloore, ***
11 " *** ***
12 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
13 " *** West Midlands, ***
14 " ***
15 " *** ***
16 " ********************************
17 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
20 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
21 " *** ***
22 " ********************************
23 " ********************************
24 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
25 " *** be sold or published ****
26 " *** for profit. ****
27 " ********************************
28 " ********************************
29 " * To the best of our knowledge *
30 " * the programs on this disk *
31 " * are in the public domain. *
32 " * *
33 " * Should this not be the case, *
34 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
35 " * *
36 " ********************************
37 "
38 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
39 " student for whom the program is suitable :
40 "
41 " P - Primary
42 " S - Secondary
43 " T - Tertiary
44 "
45 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
46 "
47 " LIST-ME.CF This file contains descriptions of the programs on
48 " ICPUG Disk No. CF - LOAD and LIST it.
49 "
50 " This disk contains ...
51 "
53 "
54 " 3-LETTER WORDS. (P)
55 " An easier memory training program by Arthur French of the Crawley
56 " Teachers Centre.
57 "
58 " ANAGRAM (P)
59 " All-BASIC, ROM-independent program running within 8k. Objective to
60 " provide a version of HANGMAN, with the option to guess on the basis of
61 " an anagram as well as in the usual way. The word list is easily
62 " modified so that the teacher can insert words relevant to a lesson,
63 " control difficulty, etc.. Program by Michael T Deans, West London
64 " Institute of HE.
65 "
67 " Systematic anagram list - by Arthur French's son, Pat of Crawley
68 " Teachers centre.
69 "
71 " Play machine at noughts and crosses.
72 "
73 " ENGLISH 1 - 8 (S)
74 " Series of eight programs designed for remedial secondary school pupils
75 " and involving some reading from the screen and some writing in exercise
76 " books. Program by John Bailey of Joanna Scott Computer Resource,
77 " Costessey High School.
78 "
79 " EXTRA ENGLISH 1 & 2 (P)
80 " Work books for these programs were available from the author, John
81 " Sweeney, 8 Hollymount Gardens, Offerta, Stockport.
82 "
84 " Opens file to keyboard by an unknown author.
85 "
87 " All-BASIC program running within 8k. Screen image PEEKed or POKEd.
88 " Setting of byte 50003 used to establish zero-page organisation.
89 "
90 " Objectives :-
91 "
92 " 1. Alphabet teaching. A 6 letter word typed in is interpreted with
93 " pictures from a library of 26 within the program.
94 "
95 " 2. Drawing exercise/keyboard skills - 8-directional black/white
96 " discrete/continuous drawing and whole-picture REVersal.
97 " Incorporation of ready-made picture elements anywhere in the
98 " screen encourages the less-able.
99 "
100 " 3. Program concept - any small drawn picture may be repeated stored
101 " into the program and reproduced with a single key.
102 "
103 " Program by Michael T Deans, West London Institute of HE.
104 "
105 " HIT AND RUN (PS)
106 " Memorise car numbers - quite difficult. Program by Arthur French of
107 " the Crawley Teachers Centre.
108 "
109 " HOW MANY A'S (P)
110 " Count (or guess) A's on the screen. By Pete Hazlerigg from a
111 " suggestion by Arthur French of Crawley Teachers Centre.
112 "
113 " KEYBOARD (P)
114 " To help small children learn the QWERTY keyboard. Program by Arthur
115 " French of the Crawley Teachers Centre.
116 "
117 " MISTAKE (PS)
118 " Training in proof reading! Spot the typing error. Program by Arthur
119 " French of the Crawley Teachers Centre.
120 "
121 " MR TALL (P)
122 " Letter recognition for 3-5 yr. olds. Program by C.R. du Feu, Queen
123 " Elizabeth's Grammar School, Gainsborough.
124 "
126 " Place value - reinforcement: tidied up and altered a lot by Arthur
127 " French, Crawley Teachers Centre.
128 "
130 " Inserts PRINT statements in programs made from screen sketch. Program
131 " from A. Goodhew, Peterborough 208070.
132 "
133 " READER CW9/1 (ST)
134 " A program which gives the student nine choices of speed at which to
135 " read material. Should work on all PET's and C64. Original program by
136 " J.T. Parr and adapted by Quincy Lee
137 "
138 " REMEMBER CW9/1 (P)
139 " This program tests the student's ability to match and remember shapes,
140 " words and letters. Should work on all PET's and C64. Original program
141 " by Bruce Johnson and adapted by Dave Scheele.
142 "
144 " Demonstrates the power of RND in test shuffle. Game by C Crooke,
145 " program by Dave Parkinson 26/2/1979.
146 "
148 " BASIC 2.0/3.0 - prints messages onto printer. Program by David
149 " Parkinson, 21/10/1979
150 "
152 " 10K program to help novices overcome nervousness of PET! Author not
153 " known.
154 "
155 " WORDPLAY (P)
156 " Users can play with words to write 'poems' from lists of nouns, verbs,
157 " adjectives and adverbs. The form of the phrase of which any line
158 " consists is also selected from a pre-determined list. Sample lists and
159 " full instructions are incorporated into the program which can be used
160 " with disc or tape. Program by Anita Straker, Mathematics Adviser for
161 " Wiltshire.
162 "
163 " PETPRO #2
164 " Program from Ian Birnbaum. This program was also the subject of an
165 " article in Practical Computing, December 1981 pages 94 to 96
166 "
167 " PETPRO is a simple word-processing program designed specifically for
168 " school and college use. It takes up about 4K of memory and does not
169 " require disks, although it can be used with them. It will run on any
170 " large keyboard PET (including the 4000 and 8000 series, with the small
171 " modification mentioned below).
172 "
173 " The full documentation for the program is contained in the other
174 " program on this disc called 'list-me.petpro'. This program can be
175 " loaded and dumped to screen or printer in the same manner as this
176 " program.
177 " Other instructions have been put on disk CE. These instructions are
178 " loaded and listed with PETPRO #2
179 "
180 " XWORDÝ 1 & 2 (S)
181 " Crossword blank from the screen is copied into exercise books and clues
182 " given by the computer. No answers included but this is no problem, as
183 " the program was originally written for secondary slow learners.
184 "Program by J.R. Bailey.
185 "
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. cg ***
4 " ********************************
5 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
6 " *** ======================== ***
7 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
8 " *** text prepared by: ***
9 " *** ***
10 " *** John Bloore, ***
11 " *** ***
12 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
13 " *** West Midlands, ***
14 " ***
15 " *** 15/06/85 ***
16 " ********************************
17 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
20 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
21 " *** ***
22 " ********************************
23 " ********************************
24 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
25 " *** be sold or published ****
26 " *** for profit. ****
27 " ********************************
28 " ********************************
29 " * To the best of our knowledge *
30 " * the programs on this disk *
31 " * are in the public domain. *
32 " * *
33 " * Should this not be the case, *
34 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
35 " * *
36 " ********************************
37 "
38 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
39 " student for whom the program is suitable :
40 "
41 " P - Primary
42 " S - Secondary
43 " T - Tertiary
44 "
45 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
46 "
47 " LIST-ME.CG This file contains descriptions of the programs on
48 " ICPUG Disk No. CG - LOAD and LIST it.
49 "
50 " This disk contains ...
51 "
53 "
54 " A STORY (PS)
55 " Fill in the blanks by responding to queries for nouns, adjectives etc.
56 " to complete a story which usually ends up as nonsense, but fun.
57 " Program by Pat Tubbs, 1978.
58 "
60 " This program by James Whitewood, asks an elementary student whether
61 " certain subjects are animal, vegetable or mineral. It is intended to
62 " be fun as well as educational.
63 "
64 " CLOSED-3 (P)
65 " Generates closed 3-phoneme words according to English usage for speech
66 " therapists. Uses a CBM printer. Program by Andy Gamble of Columbia
67 " College, 1619 W10 Ave, Vancouver, B.C.
68 "
70 " A simple text editor by Robert E Drake, 27/10/1980.
71 "
73 " Memory drill using flashed words and/or messages. Program from
74 " Schreiber High School.
75 "
77 " A fun game to pick out the correct word. Some teachers do not like the
78 " idea of a hanging man so they could possibly modify the program so that
79 " the rope breaks! Program adapted for the PET by Andy Gamble of
80 " Columbia College, 1619 W10 Ave, Vancouver, B.C.
81 "
82 " HANGMAN 3.0 (S)
83 " The game of HANGMAN using words. Program by Raymond Toy and revised
84 " 12/11/1977
85 "
86 " HELLO (PS)
87 " PET says hello plus casual chat. Good for a laugh. Program from
88 " 'BASIC COMPUTER GAMES', modified for the PET by Ron Holt Jr..
89 "
90 " HYPHEN, PUNC and SPELL programs (PS)
91 " The above three programs are in two parts, one for use by the teacher
92 " to set up the work and the second by the student.
93 "
94 " SPELL - to display the definition of a word and ask the student to
95 " respond with the word.
96 "
97 " HYPHEN - as spell but using hyphenated words.
98 "
99 " PUNC - presents the text without punctuation, requiring the
100 " student to insert the correct punctuation.
101 "
102 " Programs developed by Lud Bradnn and Marc Hertzberg and adapted by Jo
103 " Ann Comito of Suny Stony Brook.
104 "
106 " No data on program - listing the program RUNS it! Clever Stuff.
107 "
108 " JOTTO (PS)
109 " Word guessing game by L. Stovel.
110 "
112 " A drill in remembering letter sequences. Program by Harold Brochmann,
113 " Balmoral School, 3264 St. Georges Ave., North Vancouver, B.C., V7N 1V3.
114 "
116 " Your own personalised mortality forecast. Not to be taken seriously.
117 "
119 " Lifestyle analysis based on a Dept. of Health and Welfare Quiz and
120 " adapted for the PET by R.D. Wink of Peterborough.
121 "
123 " Calculates the time percentages using a rather interesting situation;
124 " listening to the radio. Author unknown.
125 "
126 " MM MUGS 2WM & WM (P)
127 " Learn vocabulary through correct completion of sentences. Programs
128 " should run on all PET's and C64. Written by Edmond Lee and adapted by
129 " Kevin O'Niel.
130 "
131 " NOUNS (P)
132 " A quiz and tutorial on nouns. Program should run on all PET's and C64.
133 "
134 " Original Author not known but adapted by Stephen Fenton.
135 "
137 " This program is a review of the parts of speech - nouns, adjectives,
138 " verbs and prepositions. Program should run on all PET's and C64.
139 " Written by Laurie Birtalun and upgraded by John Kncur.
140 "
142 " Readability test based on ease of understanding and human interest
143 " content. User enters text.
144 "
145 " RHYME (PS)
146 " A program designed to assist the leaning of homonyms. Should work on
147 " all PET's and C64. Program by an unknown author.
148 "
150 " Drill on Romeo & Juliet, Julius Caesar, King Lear, etc.. Program
151 " should run on all PET's and C64. Original program by Armand Aeillo and
152 " modified by Ray White.
153 "
155 " This program requires a simple relay attached to the cassette port and
156 " connected to the remote of an audio tape recorder. The computer then
157 " turns on and off the voice as the word is spelled correctly. The
158 " program can also be used to produce the audio tape required to work
159 " with this program. Notice the way that the words are disguised (thanks
160 " to Jim Butterfield). Program by Don Whitewood, Oakwood C I, 991 St.
161 " Clair Ave., Toronto, Ontario.
162 "
163 " SPEED READ (S)
164 " Increases your reading speed. Program by Max Yoder, Pet User Group
165 " Software Exchange, P.O. BOX 516, Montgomeryville, PA 18936.
166 "
168 " Confirmation of words which may or may not be wrong as displayed.
169 " Program by Dale Cooper of Schreiber High School, Schreiber, Ontario.
170 "
172 " A study in word structure and syllables. Program by Harold Brochmann,
173 " Balmoral School, 3264 St. Georges Ave., North Vancouver, B.C., V7N 1V3.
174 "
175 " XWORDÝ 1 & 2 (S)
176 " Crossword blank from the screen is copied into exercise books and clues
177 " given by the computer. No answers included but this is no problem, as
178 " the program was originally written for secondary slow learners.
179 "Program by J.R. Bailey.
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. ch ***
13 " ********************************
14 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
15 " *** ======================== ***
16 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
17 " *** text prepared by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** John Bloore, ***
20 " *** ***
21 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
22 " *** West Midlands, ***
23 " ***
24 " *** 15/06/85 ***
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** ***
28 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
29 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
30 " *** ***
31 " ********************************
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
36 " ********************************
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
48 " student for whom the program is suitable :
49 "
50 " P - Primary
51 " S - Secondary
52 " T - Tertiary
53 "
54 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
55 "
56 " LIST-ME.CH This file contains descriptions of the programs on
57 " ICPUG Disk No. CH - LOAD and LIST it.
58 "
59 " This disk contains ...
60 "
101 "
103 " Exercises in electric circuit topology. Program believed to be from
104 " Lusty & Co.
105 "
106 " CIRCUITS #7.2 (PST)
107 " This is an upgrade of the original program 'CIRCUITS' above.
108 "
109 " Simulation of 14 simple circuits with up to 3 cells, 3 switches and 3
110 " lamps in series/parallel arrangements. Pupil sets switches
111 " sequentially and then predicts states of the lamps. Correct lamp
112 " states and mark are displayed. Upgrade by M. Ceha, MEOLE.
113 "
115 " Teaching aid to digital electronics. The user can draw digital systems
116 " using AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and EXOR gates on the screen, then
117 " 'animate' the system to show operation. Store/retrieve drawings
118 " to/from tape. Program by Dave Williams of Forest Hill Collegiate
119 " Institute, Toronto, Ontario.
120 "
122 " Determination of the strength of electric fields due to a charge.
123 " Program by Dave Parkinson and Pehara Singh of Modern Tutorial College.
124 "
125 " FFT (S)
126 " Solves Fourier Transformations. Program originally published in 'BYTE'
127 " magazine Dec 1978 and adapted for the PET by R.E. Hutchings.
128 "
130 " Straight physics program by Dave Parkinson inspired by an article in
131 " Practical Computing, Sept 79 by Nick Hampshire.
132 "
134 " This program shows how a computer can be used in place of a dangerous
135 " piece of equipment (radioactive material). The computer simulates the
136 " inverse square law. It is only complete for the first two materials.
137 " The balance of the materials are left to the copier as an exercise in
138 " programming. Original program by P. Tattersall and revised by D.
139 " Whitewood,15/2/1980
140 "
142 " Displays combined frequencies or harmonics. Program by M.C. Hofheinz,
143 " Stockton, CA.
144 "
146 " Scale reading tutorial - good graphics. Program author not known.
147 "
148 " PISTON (ST)
149 " BASIC + Machine Code routine at HIMEM. The M/C routine prints a
150 " rectangle between Top and Bottom, Left and Right limits with a random
151 " pattern of symbol X and symbol Y in proportion P (of 256) to one
152 " another. The first string, A$, is set to hold TBLRPXY. Setting of
153 " byte 50003 is used to establish zero page organisation.
154 " Objective - to illustrate the principles of the internal combustion
155 " engine as a basis for discussion. The options shown at the base of the
156 " screen enable reduction for display to enhance concentration on
157 " particular points. Program by M.T. Deans, West London Institute of HE.
158 "
160 " Design regulated power supplies with this program. Good graphics.
161 " Author not known.
162 "
164 " Tests your reaction time at a simulated traffic lights. Program by
165 " Phil Reese, Suny Stony Brook.
166 "
167 "
168 " Self explanatory programs by Bob Lamb.
169 "
170 " FUSE (ST) Get the correct size fuse for the
171 " appliance.
172 " OHM (S) Ohm's Law tutorial.
173 " OHM2 (S) Ohm's Law test.
174 " PHOTOEL (S) The photoelectric effect.
175 " PHOTEL (S) Photoelectric simulation.
176 "
177 "
178 " =====================================================================
179 "
181 "
182 " FRENCH AID #1 (PS)
183 " The student enters an English word and attempts to translate it into
184 " French. Program by Paul Kirschberger and should run on all PET's and
185 " C64.
186 "
187 " FRENCH2 (S)
188 " Le, la, l' and les must be inserted into phrases. The computer prints
189 " most of the sentence and the pupil types the pronoun. Program from
190 " John Bailey of Joanna Scott Computer Resource, Costessey High School.
191 "
192 " FRENCH3 (S)
193 " Ce, cette, ces and cet must be inserted in the correct place in
194 " phrases. Program from John Bailey of Joanna Scott Computer Resource,
195 " Costessey High School.
196 "
198 " Expressions in French are entered in different tenses. Please let the
199 " author, John Bailey of Joanna Scott Computer Resource, Costessy High
200 " School, know if you add new data.
201 "
203 " Tests proper use of French verbs. Program by Craig Eisler of Fort
204 " William Collegiate, Fort William, Ontario.
205 "
206 " GERMAN1 (S)
207 " German sentences with the endings replaced by * are partially typed by
208 " the computer and the student is asked to complete the words. John
209 " Bailey of Joanna Scott Computer Resource, Costessy High School with the
210 " 'help of Mr. Nash'.
211 "
213 " No detail - program runs as soon as you list it!
214 "
216 " These programs work together as a tutorial in French 'er' verbs.
217 " Program by Jacques Malecot of Balmoral Jr. School, North Vancouver,
218 " with assistance from Harold Brochmann.
219 "
220 " NUMERO (S)
221 " Numbers in French! Program by Arthur French of the Crawley Teachers
222 " Centre.
223 "
225 " English program from disk CG
226 "
227 " Asks the student to input a number of nouns from a picture. Program from
228 " an unknown source but modified to run on all PET's and C64
229 "
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. CI ***
13 " ********************************
14 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
15 " *** ======================== ***
16 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
17 " *** text prepared by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** John Bloore, ***
20 " *** ***
21 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
22 " *** West Midlands, ***
23 " ***
24 " *** 15/06/85 ***
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** ***
28 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
29 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
30 " *** ***
31 " ********************************
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
36 " ********************************
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
48 " student for whom the program is suitable :
49 "
50 " P - Primary
51 " S - Secondary
52 " T - Tertiary
53 "
54 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
55 "
56 " LIST-ME.CI This file contains descriptions of the programs on
57 " ICPUG Disk No. CI - LOAD and LIST it.
58 "
59 " This disk contains ...
60 "
101 "
103 " Quiz on capitals of countries in Africa. Program by D. S. Cooper of
104 " Schreiber High School.
105 "
107 " Quiz as above by D.S.Cooper.
108 "
110 " Quiz as above by D.S.Cooper.
111 "
112 " C-C's CAN & EUR (S)
113 " Quiz as above for Canada and Europe by D.S.Cooper.
114 "
115 " C-C's AUST & AME (S)
116 " Quiz as above for Australia, South & Central America by D.S.Cooper.
117 "
119 " World Capital cities drill by D.S.Cooper.
120 "
121 " ANIMAL (P)
122 " VIC program from unknown author.
123 "
124 " ANIMALS (P)
125 " VIC sequential file for the program 'ANIMAL'.
126 "
127 " DRAUGHTS (P)
128 " VIC program from unknown author.
129 "
131 " This program deals with earthquakes, measuring of seismic waves,
132 " locating epicentres, etc.. Program from the Social Sciences Dept of
133 " Acton District High School.
134 "
136 " Requires a printer to produce an unmarked map of Britain. Program
137 " written by G K Nicholson and M Grubb, two sixth form students at
138 " Sunbury Sixth Form College, Surrey.
139 "
140 " GEOG TEST (S)
141 " Produces a map on printer as for the previous program and asks
142 " questions on Britain.
143 "
145 " From Creative Computing Book 2. Tests knowledge of capitals and
146 " countries. Adapted by Andy Gamble of Columbia College, 1619 W10 Ave.,
147 " Vancouver B.C..
148 "
149 " GEOG/GB CW9/1 (PST)
150 " Program is designed to test student's knowledge of the geography of
151 " Great Britain. This is the program 'GEOG TEST' modified to run on all
152 " PET's and C64.
153 "
155 " From People's Computer Company. The old chestnut! Adapted for the PET
156 " by Andy Gamble of Columbia College, 1619 W10 Ave., Vancouver B.C..
157 "
159 " General knowledge of West Sussex by Arthur French of Crawley Teachers
160 " Centre.
161 "
162 " MAZE (PS)
163 " All-BASIC, ROM-independent program running within 8k. Objective to
164 " teach mapping skills by showing relationship between appearance of the
165 " maze 'on the ground' and a map indicating the location of the explorer.
166 " Program by C. Grant Alderson and Michael T Deans, West London Institute
167 " of HE.
168 "
170 " A good science program to show the effect of pollution on a stream or
171 " lake using different water treatment.
172 "
173 " PUZZLE (P)
174 " Logic on a 3X3 grid. VIC program from Trevor Lusty.
175 "
176 " REVERSAL (P)
177 " VIC program from Trevor Lusty.
178 "
179 " WATER (ST)
180 " Simulated water distribution model by J. Friedland and K. Gilbert, Suny
181 " Stony Brook. Last Modified June 1979.
182 "
183 " WORLD 2 (PS)
184 " The 'Limits to Growth' program by Meadows. Read the book! Program by
185 " Andy Gamble of Columbia College, 1619 W10 Ave., Vancouver B.C..
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. CJ ***
13 " ********************************
14 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
15 " *** ======================== ***
16 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
17 " *** text prepared by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** John Bloore, ***
20 " *** ***
21 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
22 " *** West Midlands, ***
23 " ***
24 " *** 15/06/85 ***
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** ***
28 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
29 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
30 " *** ***
31 " ********************************
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
36 " ********************************
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
48 " student for whom the program is suitable :
49 "
50 " P - Primary
51 " S - Secondary
52 " T - Tertiary
53 "
54 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
55 "
56 " LIST-ME.CJ This file contains descriptions of the programs on
57 " ICPUG Disk No. CJ - LOAD and LIST it.
58 "
59 " This disk contains ...
60 "
101 "
103 " Practice in graphing of points. Program by Roger Carbotte. Should
104 " operate on all PET's and C64.
105 "
107 " Teaches co-ordinate Geometry: Good follow-on from HURKLE. Program by
108 " A Goodhew, Peterborough 203573 (school) 208070 (home).
109 "
110 " CURVE FIT (ST)
111 " Estimation by the least squares method. Gives estimated polynomial of
112 " any order, deviation and estimates further points. Program by H. Wong
113 " Feb 80, of Columbia College, 1619 W10 Ave, Vancouver B.C..
114 "
115 " CURVE FIT 2 (ST)
116 " Merge of CURVE-FIT and NUMINT (numerical integration by Simpson's
117 " rule). Program by H. Wong Feb 80, of Columbia College, 1619 W10 Ave,
118 " Vancouver B.C..
119 "
120 " DDPLOT (S)
121 " Double density plot in machine code with examples. Program by David
122 " Parkinson.
123 "
125 " 'Double density' graph plotter for simple mathematical functions.
126 " Program by Dave Williams of Forest Hill Collegiate Institute, Toronto,
127 " Ontario.
128 "
129 " GRAPH (S)
130 " All-BASIC, ROM-independent program running within 8K from Michael T.
131 " Deans, West London Institute of HE. Original notes say 'not ready for
132 " use'. Draws various graphs. No other information available.
133 "
134 " GRAPHICS (S)
135 " All-BASIC program running within 8K from Michael T Deans, West London
136 " Institute of HE. Screen image PEEKed/POKEd. Setting of byte 50003
137 " used to establish the zero-page organisation.
138 "
140 "
141 " 1) Alphabet teaching. A 6-letter word typed in is interpreted
142 " with pictures from a library of 26 within the program.
143 "
144 " 2) Drawing exercise/keyboard skills - 8-directional black/white
145 " discrete/continuous drawing and whole picture REVersal.
146 " Incorporation of ready-made picture elements anywhere in the
147 " screen encourages the less-able.
148 "
149 " 3) Program concept - any small drawn picture may be repeated
150 " stored into the program and reproduced with a single key.
151 "
153 " Demonstration graphing program by Jim Butterfield.
154 "
156 " Allows user definable functions. Program by R D Wink of Adam Scott
157 " Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Peterborough, Ontario.
158 "
159 " HURKLE! (P)
160 " Find the HURKLE by guessing it's position in a X-Y grid. Program by
161 " Jo Ann Comito of Suny Stony Brook.
162 "
163 " JOHN GRAPH (S)
164 " This program shows how the effective screen density can be increased by
165 " using the tiny quarter squares and the asterisk to produce rather good
166 " sine waves, etc.. Program by J. Follen.
167 "
168 " MAZE (PS)
169 " All-BASIC, ROM-independent program running within 8k. Objective to
170 " teach mapping skills by showing relationship between appearance of the
171 " maze 'on the ground' and a map indicating the location of the explorer.
172 " Program by C Grant Alderson and Michael T Deans, West London Institute
173 " of HE.
174 "
175 " PETROL (PS)
176 " All-BASIC, ROM-independent program running within 8k. Objective to
177 " instil concept of fuel economy, of continuous (speedometer)/discrete
178 " (low-res graph) recording concept of graphing, principle of
179 " petrol-engine accelerator. Program by Michael T Deans and L.B.H., West
180 " London Institute of HE.
181 "
182 " POINTS (P)
183 " Tutorial program on plotting points in an X-Y co-ordinate plane by Jo
184 " Ann Comito, Suny Stony Brook.
185 "
187 " Co-ordinate conversion.
188 "
189 " PROJ-PLOT (ST)
190 " Plots projectile motion. Program by Wang Hang of Columbia College,
191 " Vancouver.
192 "
194 " Graph plotting program. Program by Dave Williams of Forest Hill
195 " Collegiate, Toronto, Ontario.
196 "
198 " Graph plotting program. Program by Dave Williams of Forest Hill
199 " Collegiate, Toronto, Ontario.
200 "
202 " No data available
203 "
205 " Introduction to Matrix transformation. Program by A Goodhew.
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. ck ***
13 " ********************************
14 " *** Commodore Workshop Disks ***
15 " *** ======================== ***
16 " *** Disks rearranged and ***
17 " *** text prepared by: ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** John Bloore, ***
20 " *** ***
21 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
22 " *** West Midlands, ***
23 " ***
24 " *** ***
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** ***
28 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
29 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
30 " *** ***
31 " ********************************
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
36 " ********************************
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " The letters following the Program Title indicate the level of
48 " student for whom the program is suitable :
49 "
50 " P - Primary
51 " S - Secondary
52 " T - Tertiary
53 "
54 " ------------------------------------------------------------------
55 "
56 " LIST-ME.CK This file contains descriptions of the programs on
57 " ICPUG Disk No. CK - LOAD and LIST it.
58 "
59 " This disk contains ...
60 "
101 "
102 " 4032 ORGAN (PST)
103 " 4032 ORGAN is a music-playing program running on 4000 and 8000 series
104 " PET's. A disk drive is necessary if the user is to record tunes.
105 " There is NO LIMIT to tune length (except for disk capacity!). The user
106 " can still play tunes without a disk drive. Program by M.A.Valentine.
107 "
109 " This is a simple tune to run on your '4032 ORGAN'. (Sequential file)
110 "
112 " Californian traffic safety questions with multiple choice answers.
113 " Program by James C Downer, 18/02/1980
114 "
116 " This good game might be more fun than educational. Simulates an
117 " instrument take-off and landing.
118 " Program by Jerry Panofsky, PET User Group Software Exchange, PO BOX
119 " 371, MONTGOMERYVILLE, PA 18936.
120 "
122 " Fight forest fires using equipment and decisions. Demands smart
123 " thinking.
124 "
125 " HANGMAN 3.0 (P)
126 " A game of HANGMAN using words. Program by Raymond Toy.
127 "
128 " HOG (PST)
129 " An addictive dice-throwing game, the object of which is to beat the
130 " computer to a score of 100. Your total is recorded. On each go, a
131 " 'second score' starts from 0 and each time you press a key, the
132 " computer throws a dice and a number is generated. If this number is a
133 " six, then your 'second score' goes back to 0 and the computer then has
134 " a go. To stop throwing for one go, press S.
135 "
137 " Of doubtful pedagogic significance. Program by Mike Bolley on an idea
138 " by Don Scales.
139 "
141 " No data on original for PET. See next program. Author Phil Redman,
142 " Peckham Rye School.
143 "
145 " This is a logic game in which the student attempts to determine the
146 " attributes of a block. Should run on all PET's and C64. Upgrade of
147 " the original program by Phil Redman.
148 "
149 " MAGIC SQ. CW9/1 (ST)
150 " A chance game in which the player tries to light all but the middle
151 " square of a 9-square block. Should run on all PET's and C64. Author
152 " unknown.
153 "
155 " Number guessing at Bulls and Cows. By T. Lusty.
156 "
158 " As above. Should run on all PET's and C64. By Nancy Roper.
159 "
161 " Guess letters given morse representation. Program by Harvey Sherman.
162 "
164 " Decodes morse signal on PET's parallel user port. Original program by
165 " Robert L Kurtz published Nov' 78 'KILOBAUD' - PET version by Gary D
166 " Guttebo.
167 "
169 " Automate your checks on ERNIE's results. Program by M A Valentine.
170 "
172 " Shows off interactive graphics in BASIC. Program by Trevor L Lusty.
173 "
174 " SPACEWAR 1 & 2
175 " VIC programs - no data.
176 "
177 " STARTREK (P)
178 " No data - usual game with starship Enterprise. Based on a program in
179 " 'COMPUTING TODAY' Oct 1979 and modified by Trevor L Lusty for the PET.
180 "
182 " A game for students of Economics in which shares are bought and sold.
183 " Full instructions with the game.
184 "
186 " A lifelike maze in 3-D which runs in 6k on any PET apart from the OLD
187 " ROM and 8000 series PETs.
188 " Controls are :- L - Left; R - Right; O - On; RE - REstart.
189 " Instructions are given in the program.
190 "
191 " WEIGH (P)
192 " Find the odd weight through deductive reasoning. Program by Ed
193 " Herstein, PET User Group Software exchange, PO box 371,
194 " Montgomeryville, PA 18936.
195 "
197 " Beautifully programmed game. Program by Mike Bolley and Dave Parkinson
198 " and based on an idea by T. Lusty.
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****